Friday, August 1, 2008

New York City Waterfalls

I leave for vacation today -- and for the next week the plants I see will primarily be bayberry in sand dunes and various genera of seaweed (I'm dying to learn how to ID these!). As a result, I won't be updating this site until the 11th of August.

With that in mind, and to keep this pre-vacation post aquatically-themed, I thought I'd share some photos of the NYC Waterfalls. If you don't know, these four waterfalls are part of an art installation by Olafur Eliasson. You can visit the site for the locations and additional information on the artist.

View of the Brooklyn Bridge waterfall from the Manhattan Bridge:

Can you see the three waterfalls in the picture below?

The Brooklyn Bridge waterfall with the Brooklyn Piers waterfall beyond:

The idea of these waterfalls appearing out of nowhere, or pouring out the sides of buildings and bridges, appeals to me. I keep finding myself thinking of Magritte's Time Transfixed.

It's surreal of course, but it's also the architecture of the fireplace -- it reminds me of the Brooklyn Bridge's structure. The train appears to be moving, or more so trapped in a moment of movement, sort of like the waterfalls themselves. I doubt these photos can really defend this connection, but let me know if that resonates with you, if and when you see the installation yourself.

Pier 35 waterfall beneath the Manhattan Bridge:

Brooklyn Piers waterfall:

Governor's Island waterfall (I need a better zoom, I know.):

The collection trough at the top of the Pier 35 Waterfall. I originally assumed that the water was collected in a tub at the top of the tower then, as it increased in volume, the overflow would pass over a weir. However, the drawings on the site indicate that the water skims over a rectangular, concrete sieve of sorts. Perforations in the concrete add depth to the waterfall, keeping it from looking like a sheet of water.

An underwater mesh basket (connected to floating 'curbs') prevents fish and debris from flowing and/or floating near the pipes, protecting fish and preventing clogs. You can see that there is one intake valve that later splits into three smaller pipes.

Pier 35 waterfall:

See you on the 11th!

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